Does CBD Affect The Thyroid: Medications and Disorders

March 2023 ยท 3 minute read

An endocrine gland, the thyroid generates hormones that control bone growth, brain development, and metabolic rate in the body. As with all physiological systems, the thyroid can malfunction and require medical treatment.

Given that the thyroid has cannabinoid receptors, several people assert that cannabidiol (CBD) can be utilised to treat thyroid disorders (CB1 and CB2). In this post, we'll examine the likelihood of such effectiveness as well as How CBD and thyroid drugs interact?

Why do people take medications for their thyroid?

The two main thyroid illnesses, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, in which the thyroid produces the incorrect amount of hormones, are caused by a variety of thyroid problems, all of which can result in one of these states.

Hypothyroidism: What is it?

When the thyroid doesn't create enough hormones, it happens. There are numerous potential causes for this, including but not limited to:

Disease Iodine deficiency in Hashimoto
Thyroiditis symptoms
Reduced hormone production can cause the following signs among others:

Putting on weight
Heavy and frequent menstruation
I'm feeling drained
Dry skin and hair
Sub-conditions can occasionally be used to treat hypothyroidism, but there is also a general remedy that involves using the drug levothyroxine to replace hormones.


This disorder, which is brought on by the thyroid overproducing hormones, can be brought on by a number of things, including but not limited to:

Thyroiditis Graves' Disease symptoms
excessive iodine intake
Among other things, elevated hormone production results in the symptoms listed below:

experiencing anxiety
gain less weight
sleep problems
Muscle sluggishness
Treatment options for the illness include drugs like methimazole (Tapazole) and propylthiouracil, which prevent the thyroid from producing too many hormones.

How Much Should You Take of CBD?- Health Forbes

Does CBD affect or interfere with thyroid medication?
Whether CBD interacts with levothyroxine or other thyroid drugs is yet unproven by science. Some inferences can be made based on our understanding of the interactions between CBD and other drugs.

Since CBD and the majority of thyroid drugs are both metabolised by the same enzymes, using them together would make them less effective because they would compete for metabolism.

Second, combining CBD with other drugs may make negative effects more likely.

There is little chance of side effects, according to anecdotal evidence, if the medications are taken concurrently, but they should still be spaced out by a few hours and closely monitored.

One last observation on CBD as a standalone therapy

To assess the efficacy of CBD oil in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, more research is still required.

However, some scientific data points to the use of CBD products for the treatment of some thyroid-related ailments, specifically:

Anxiety and depression brought on by a dysfunctional thyroid may be lessened by a CBD oil or tincture, as well as the pain and inflammation connected with it.

CBD balms can be applied topically to treat problems with your skin and hair.

There is optimism that CBD oil will be useful in managing a healthy thyroid and reducing the symptoms brought on by an underactive thyroid. If you want to purchase CBD oil, the UK market may show to be the ideal vendor. Before attempting to treat significant medical disorders, always get medical advice from a reliable source, such as Advance Biotech.

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