Perform Law of Custody of Children in Pakistan (2022) By Top Lawyer

February 2023 · 3 minute read

Law of Custody of Children in Pakistan:

To know in detail the law of custody of children in Pakistan through family lawyer in Pakistan you may contact Nazia Law Associates. The child need not realize that it is a criminal offense, but if he realizes it is morally wrong, he will be assumed to know it was legally wrong for the custody of children in Pakistan through family lawyer in Pakistan. In practice, the court has wide discretion in deciding whether the child knew it was 'wrong. The courts generally apply a robust, down-to-earth attitude rather than a legalistic approach. If he is not criminally liable, the juvenile court can deal with him by making a care order. Between fourteen and seventeen, the child is subject to the same laws as an adult. Thus he is assumed to know the law and to know what an offense is.


 Although subject to the adult's law, he will usually be tried in juvenile court. In addition to the usual sentences, he can, of course, be put into care. The child is an adult in the eyes of the criminal law. Police investigations The Children and Young Persons Act 1969 are still the principal statute dealing with children and crime for the custody of children in Pakistan through family lawyer in Pakistan. The child who commits an offense probably has social problems, and so the aim should be to help the child and enable him to mend his ways.


The prosecution should be the last resort, being used only when the social-work approach will not, by itself, reform the child. Some magistrates complained that the 1969 Act left them virtually powerless to deal with persistent child criminals wh0 are beyond help. They argued that the good intentions of the 1969 Act had misfired, with the result that juvenile offenders were no longer taught to respect and obey the law. AS a result, the sentencing rules were toughened up in 1982.

Family Lawyer in Pakistan:

Often for the custody of children in Pakistan through family lawyer in Pakistan the first the parent knows of the offense is when a police officer calls at the house. If that happens, the parent should discuss the case with the policeman, out of earshot of the child. The policeman may then ask to speak to the child. If he does, the parent should insist on being present. As a general rule, the police are told that they should only interview children in the presence of a parent or guardian for the custody of children in Pakistan through family lawyer in Pakistan.


Then the interview should be in the presence of someone of the same sex as the child and not a police officer (e.g., teacher, social worker, or relative). The police are advised to make great efforts to avoid arresting or interviewing a child at school if they can avoid it; even if they have no choice but to interview the child at school, they should only do this with the consent and presence of the head teacher. In practice, of course, these are only guidelines, and there will be little the parent can do if the police break them. If the offense is serious, the parent may feel the child shouldn't answer any questions until a solicitor has been instructed. It is one of the rights of any accused person, whether a child or an adult.

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